"Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention"
June 5th. to 7 th. 1998
(Page 1)
The CB GangThere were 22 woman who attended our first
ever Chatterboard Convention.
And here we are!!Left to Right, starting with the back row!
Back Row :Diane D, Donn@,Lisa Lou, Jenny Mc, Holly Hobby, Popeye,
Sara, Stephanie, René, Ruth Ann, Jo
Middle Row: Linda P, Jodi, Tabetha, Blondie, Brownie, Amy,
Bottom Row: Merilyn, Marie Joseé, Debra, & Joto
Missing from the picture was Gina!She was out losing her $$$ at the Casino! LOL!
On the Friday night we all just kinda hung out around the Hotel and got to know each other.
We all ate & drank in the restaurant attached to the hotel called Kelsey's
We had a ball there!!
Blondie & René
Jo & Steve
Debra & Linda
Blondie, Lawrence, Debra, Jenny Mc, René & Gary (Donn@'s hubby)
Merilyn & Jodi
Ruth Ann & Charlie
Popeye, Holly Hobby, Merilyn & Jodi
Linda P, Holly Hobby, Jodi & Sandy (Jodi's friend)
Donn@, Gary & Ruth Ann
Lawrence, Jodi, & Amy G
Sandy, Blondie, Lawrence & René
Donn@, Merilyn, Gary ( Donn@'s hubby),
Steve ( Jo's hubby), Debra, Jo, & Ray ( Merilyn's Hubby)
Charlie ( Ruth Ann's Hubby), Popeye, René, Amy G, Jenny Mc, & Ruth Ann
Charlie (Ruth Ann's Hubby) & Sara
Jo, Popeye, Holly Hobby,& Merilyn
Niagara Falls Chatterboard Convention (part 2)